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Pharmaceuticals Industry Boiler

The pharmaceutical industry requires a large amount of steam in the production process to meet the demand of sterilization, drying, tablet pressing and other processes. Therefore, boilers play a vital role in the pharmaceutical industry.
Mainly used in the following sections:
1. High temperature sterilization and disinfection of raw materials and medical instruments;
2. Decocting and drying Chinese medicinal materials;
3. Decocting and drying Chinese medicinal materials;
4. In terms of medical and health care, it mainly conducts disinfection of medical supplies (hospital gowns, bed sheets, etc.), kitchen steaming rice and ward heating, etc. Steam and hot water will be used.
The pharmaceutical industry has high requirements for environmental hygiene and steam quality. Energy consumption is very high. When selecting boilers, both discharge coefficient standards and steam quality must be considered. Our Gas Fired Boilers change the combustion mode of traditional boilers, with ultra-low emission and nitrogen oxide emission that meet and exceed the emission standards of national environmental protection departments.
steam-boiler gas-fired-boiler